Internet Use Policy
Louisiana Public Library
Computer/Internet/Wi-Fi Use Policy
Approved September 11, 200
Revised and Approved September 14, 2015
The Louisiana Public Library is pleased to offer the public access to the internet and Wi-Fi through our provider – MoreNet. These services will make available a wealth of information to our patrons, and illustrate our commitment to the role of the public library in the information age. The following policies will be followed to equitable allow access to all our patrons.
The Louisiana Public Library does no monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population and library patrons use it at their own risk. All library computers have an internet content filtering service – Netsweeper – available from MoreNet.
All internet resources accessible through the Library are provided equally to all library users. Parents or guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the internet information selected and / or access by their children. Parents – and only parents or guardians – may restrict their children – and only their children – from access to the internet.
We will be glad to assist you in accessing the internet and attempt to assist you in getting to the right place on the “superhighway.”
Library staff cannot provide in-depth training concerning the internet. We may, however, be able to offer searching suggestions and answer questions.
- Persons must have a valid, up-to-date library card, and present this card at the circulation desk before accessing the computer workstations or wi-fi.
- Patrons must be current on all fines and/or fees as applicable.
- Persons must have a signed computer agreement on file.
- Users under the age of 18 must first have turned in a signed parental release form, available at the circulation desk. Children TWELVE years and younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or designated caregiver (an individual at least 18 years of age who has been charged by the parent or guardian with the care of the minor during a visit to a library facility) while using a public internet workstation. Parents, guardians, or designated caregivers of children THIRTEEN years through SEVENTEEN years are strongly encouraged to accompany their minor child while using a public internet workstation.
- Patrons must sing-in for use (computer and wi-fi) at the circulation desk. Sign-in sheets are tallied for statistical purposes.
- The computers and wi-fi are available for use during scheduled library-operating hours.
- A limit of one hour per day of workstation use is established to ensure equitable availability. In the event that no one is waiting to use the workstation, when a user’s time is up, the user may continue to use the computer until another patron requests use.
- You may not use your own software programs on the workstations. This is to help prevent computer viruses.
- If you wish to safe files, a thumb drive may be used. Library computers will not accept files to save on their hard drives.
- There is a limit of two patrons per workstation.
- Users may print, with authorization, at the rate of $.25 per black/white page and $5.00 per color page, payable at the circulation desk. Patrons must pay for ALL copies they print.
- Users may not impede public use through the monopolization or overload of resources.
- Users may not attempt to add, modify, or remove any system elements.
- Users may not attempt to access security-related or confidential information.
- System maintenance must be performed by the Library. No unauthorized software may be downloaded, installed or executed.
- Users may not use an internet site to misidentify for misrepresent themselves, the Library, or any of its policies, or to commit forgery or fraud in any manner.
- Users may not employ Library equipment for the purpose of libel, slander or any form of harassment.
- Users may not systematically employ Library internet sites for commercial activity.
- The User Agrees to obey all applicable Federal, State, and Local Laws governing copyright, licensing and content restriction. The Library reserves the right to terminate or restrict the User’s privileges for abuse of these conditions.
- The User agrees to not sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene.
- Users who abuse services or equipment will find their usage terminated at any time by a member of the Library Staff. Users will be held responsible for any damage to equipment caused by misuse. Malicious damage to equipment will result in suspension of library privileges and/or prosecution of criminal charges.
++Signed Computer Registration Agreement must be on file++